"Killing the Goldfinch"
It did what goldfinches do. It flew —or tried to fly, at least— tried and failed to fly from the yellow birch to a low and waiting branch of aspen, a fluttering invitation, only a launch and a few wingbeats away. It did what a goldfinch does: it tried to trade a green for green, tried to leave behind one haven for another and, along the way, be nothing but what a goldfinch is: brief and beautiful, a streak of sunrise, bright. Alive. But fate would have it otherwise; flight does not guarantee arrival, does not denote a destination reached. >>...>>>A thing as clear as glass –a windshield, say—or some other car’s bright, shiny chrome, going a mile a minute unconcerned, barreling toward its own destination, does not stop to reflect on even one small golden insignificance, no matter how short its flight.
© 2009 Ron Lavalette
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